Will looks after all member matters, including signing up and making first contact with new members, producing and sending out the newsletter, answering post and email enquiries, organising events, and a great many other responsibilities.
Will has been running the KO since taking over from our long serving former Chairman and Secretary
Will has Klinefelters Syndrome - add Will's words here XXX
Jay looks after our banking and other financial matters. He is also responsible for creating and maintaining our website
This is Jay's second spell with the KO, having first joined as Treasurer in 1997 and then again in 2002 after a one year break . Jay does not have Klinefelter's Syndrome.
The Klinefelter Organisation (KO) is a voluntary organisation, run on a not for profit basis, funded by membership subscriptions and donations
To find out more about Klinefelter's Syndrome see the 'About KS' page
The Klinefelter Organisation is run by a small number of volunteers:
The KO also has a number of Honorary Professional Advisors, who we can call upon for expert advice:
The KO is a member of: